New Media Capstone

NMIX 4510 • Spring 2021

New Media Capstone (NMIX 4510) at the University of Georgia challenges students to apply the skills they have learned in previous New Media courses to real world projects. In this course, students were put into teams of 5-6 and assigned a client and project to work on throughout the semester. The projects varied from websites, web applications, mobile applications, and AR.

My team worked together to develop a domestic violence empathy training tool for Dr. Brandy Walker of the Fanning Institute at UGA. The empathy training tool was implemented as an online simulation Stay or Leave that prompted users different challenging decisions that reflect the tough choices that victims of domestic violence have to make. The goal of the simulation is to simulate the frustations, hardships, and decisions that victims have to go through in order to build empathy for individuals working in and around domestic violence situations. This simulation was designed to complement workshops and replace the previous in-person exercise used to simulate these experiences.

Screenshot of Stay or Leave simulator tool
Screenshot of Stay or Leave simulator tool
Screenshot of Stay or Leave simulator tool
Screenshot of Stay or Leave simulator tool